Singing Guide: Aldy Santos

Singing Guide: Aldy Santos

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you are seeking inspiration on how to improve your singing style, look no further than Aldy Santos! Aldy primarily sings in a contemporary style, effortlessly blending Pop, Rock and jazz to match his distinctive style.

One of the unique factors that distinguish Aldy's singing is his use of melisma, which is a vocal technique that uses several notes to sing a single syllable. This approach is incredibly effective in creating complex, layered sounds.

To learn the secrets behind Aldy Santos's vocal techniques, check out the following Singing Carrots resources:

  • Vocal range test: Begin by determining your vocal range with Singing Carrots' vocal range test. This will help you establish a firm foundation for where you need to improve and where you're already confident.
  • Breathing basics: Breath support can make or break a performance, and Aldy Santos is no exception! Singing Carrots' blog on the basics of breathing can help you manage your breath for better control of your voice.
  • Contemporary vocal techniques: Check out Singing Carrots' article on contemporary vocal techniques, including Heavy Modal, Twang, and Belting. These skills will elevate your singing style and align it more closely with Aldy's unique blend of genres.
  • Singing with emotion: Aldy Santos focuses on expressing a wide range of emotions while singing - learn how to cultivate similar expressivity in your own style with Singing Carrot's extensive blog post on singing with emotion.

With these resources in mind, you can build your own style inspired by Aldy Santos, learning his trademark techniques and blending them with your own for a unique and personalized vocal style. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.